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- Карта Сайта
- Программа готовности к климатическому финансированию(Таджикистан)
- Управление орехоплодовыми лесами и пастбищами(Кыргызстан)
- Управление пастбищами
- The Second Central Asian Forum “Cooperation to foster low emissions and climate resilient development in Central Asia”
- (Русский) Второй Центрально-Азиатский форум «Региональное сотрудничество для низкоуглеродного развития с учетом воздействия изменения климата в Центральной Азии»
- Regional workshop in Tashkent on development of pistachio and almonds
- Korea – Central Asian Forestry Network Workshop for Resilient Future with Forests was organized on 27-29 October in Almaty
- Sustainable pistachio forest management and pistachio production growth
- Seminar on new taxation rules
- Land Degradation Initiative in Turkmenistan
- (Русский) Руководство по агролесоводству
- (Русский) Пилотное облесение и лесовосстановление деградировавших лесных площадей
- (Русский) Делегация Межправительственной организации AFoCO
- Rare bird species in the nature of Uzbekistan.
- 600 spruce seedlings were planted in the Chon-Kemin State Natural Park.
- Guidelines on Agroforestry
- Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of the Regional Programme “Integrative and Climate Sensitive Land Use in Central Asia”
- Digital equipment for the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic
- 14 February 2019. Former GIZ Advisor became a Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection
- 24 December 2019. Awards Ceremony of Winners of On-line Drawing and Essay Contest was held in Tashkent
- 17 February 2020. Soil salinization reduces yield
- 17 February 2020. 30 students were introduced to the “Economics of Land Degradation” initiative
- 20 January 2020. The winners of the essay competition have been identified
- 19 December 2019. Income generation: unproductive land can become an orchard
- 19 December 2019. Results of a competitive online exhibition of drawings among schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan
- 28 October - 2 November 2019. 2 young researchers from Kyrgyzstan awarded on the XVI International Junior Forestry Competition
- 3 October 2019. A three-day workshop on climate modeling was held in Ashgabat
- 17 October 2019 participants of the NDC Partnership Support Unit held a series of meetings in Dushanbe
- 30 November 2019 Information seminar at the Tajik Agrarian University
- 22 November 2019 40 representatives of ministries improved their knowledge of Business Processes Modelling and Notation Standard (BPMN)
- 22 November 2019 Climate Expert Online Training of Trainers
- 24 October 2019 Irrigation water is running for the afforestation of 12 ha
- 19 September 2019 GIZ boosts Forester’s Training in Tajikistan on Integrated Forest Management
- 13 September 2019 Penjikent forest users studied the experience of their colleagues on Joint forest management
- 28 February 2019 Debriefing on the outcome of the use of remittances in Tajikistan
- 21-25 May 2019. Improved awareness of pruning enterprises achieved among foresters and forest users in Bobotog forest enterprises
- 26 March 2019. Pasture legislation in Turkmenistan is being improved
- 27 March 2019. ILUMA presented to vocational school teachers
- 27 February 2019. Training for journalists “Climate change and pastures of Turkmenistan”
- 12 April 2019 Inception mission of new Programme Manager Mr. Klaus Schmidt-Corsitto to Tajikistan
- 4 April 2019 Efforts to harmonise activities in forest management for Penjikent region
- 30-31 January 2019 Tajikistan strengthens JFM implementation
- 29 January 2019 Development of a National forest inventory concept and forest monitoring discussed in Tajikistan
- 4 April 2019, 17 May 2019. Fifty staff-members of the pilot forest enterprises were trained in budget preparation
- 26 June 2019. Drafting a new law on low-productive lands
- 1-5 April 2019. Ecologically-Oriented Regional Development of the Aral Sea Region
- 5 July 2019. GIZ contributes to support trans-boundary water resources management
- 25-26 July 2019. The final draft of the Regional Environmental Programme for Sustainable Development in Central Asia is ready
- 17-20 June 2019. The SENECA GREEN conference for experience exchange took place in Sarajevo
- 18-19 February 2019. Regional Environmental Expert Network set up in Central Asia
- 19-25 January 2019. Building leadership capacity in Central Asia for sustainable development
- 26 August 2019. New forest users learned how to elaborate a forest management plan
- 8-13 July 2019. Foresters and forest users learned grafting techniques
- 29 July 2019 - 2 August 2019. SLU-CA’s new Programme Director visited Turkmenistan
- 11-12 July 2019. Participation of SLU-CA team in a USAID and C5+1 joint workshop
- 10 July 2019. SLU-CA National Coordinator delivered a report on the sustainable use of natural resources under conditions of climate change
- 28 May 2019, 11 June 2019. National сlimate сhange strategy undergoing revision
- 5 July 2019. Challenges and solutions of private afforestation in Kazakhstan discussed in Almaty
- Protocol on cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Regional Programme signed (Ashgabat, 11/2018)
- Training of Trainers on Integrative Forest Management (Dushanbe, 29/11/2018)
- Eco-forum "Too-Tokoy/Mountain forest" (Bishkek, 14/04/2018)
- Signing Cooperation Protocols between the Programme, Turkmen Government and SIC ICSD (Ashgabat, 11/2018).
- A field-day. Farmers open a pit filled with ammoniated corn silage (Bazar-Korgon district, 03/02/2018).
- The Programme presents its activities at an international exhibition (Ashgabat, 26/04/2018)
- An expert from the Turkey Pistachio institute shares the experience on early grafting techniques of trees (Bobotog, 16/03/2018)
- Public hearings on the new Pasture Law of Tajikistan (Temurmalik and Rasht districts, 20-21/04/2018)
- Agricultural approaches for improving biodiversity and ecosystems introduced to communities (Rasht and Ayni districts, 02/2018)
- “The Environment and Me” Socio-Educational Exhibition held in Naryn (Kyrgyzstan, 15/05/2018)
- Eco-forum "Too-Tokoy/Mountain forest" (14/04/2018, Bishkek) (2)
- The 5th Walnut Festival "Kyrgyz Junguk" (Jalal-Abad region, 7/11/2018)
- 2-d training in the framework of the leadership programme “Lead the Change” (04/2019, Tbilisi, Georgia)
- 1-st training in the framework of the leadership programme “Lead the Change” (22-25/01/2019, Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan )
- Round table on draft Regulation “On procedure to determine the carrying capacity of pasture of the Kyrgyz Republic” (01/02/2019, Bishkek)
- Eco-forum "Too-Tokoy/Mountain forest" (14/04/2018, Bishkek) (1)
- The regional programme's team supported the Balykchy forest enterprise in the development of low-productive land (27/04/2018)
- A regional workshop on the potential for the development of pistachio and almonds in Central Asia. Tashkent, 2022
- (Русский) Семинар по развитию фисташководства и сортового миндаля в странах Центральной Азии. Ташкент, 2022
- About participatory forest management in Tajikistan.
- (Русский) Давлатали Шарифзода, о совместном лесопользовани в Таджикистане
- (Русский) Анарбек Шаршеев, председатель сельскохозяйственного предприятия "Арууке"
- Anarbek Sharsheev, chairman of the agricultural enterprise "Aruuke"
- Aida Satybaldieva from Ak-Beshim Forestry
- (Русский) Работа Лесной Службы Кыргызской Республики за 2022 год
- (Русский) Аида Сатыбалдиева о садах с грецким орехом
- Семинар по развитию фисташководства и сортового миндаля
- Work of the Forest Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2022
- (Русский) Видеорепортаж канала СТВ о 5-ом фестивале грецкого ореха (Кыргызстан, 07/11/2018)
- “If we can count the resources, we can manage them!”
- “Disaster Risk Reduction Week on Ecosystem-based DRR and Adaptation to Climate Change” 9-13.10.2017, Dushanbe, Tajikistan (Eng subtitles)
- "Birinchi Radio" (OTRK) Audio Reportage about the 5th Walnut Festival (Arslanbob village, Bazar-Korgon district, Kyrgyzstan, 07/11/2018)
- TV-program about ecology for children (#5)
- (Русский) Грузия менин көзүм менин… ((Батуми, Грузия 8-10.06.2016)
- Video Reportage of the STV Channel about the 5th Walnut Festival (Russian, v. Arslanbob, Bazar-Korgon district, Kyrgyzstan, 11/07/2018)
- Video Reportage of the STV Channel about the 5th Walnut Festival (Kyrgyz, v. Arslanbob, Bazar-Korgon district, Kyrgyzstan, 11/07/2018)
- KTRK Video Reportage “Respect for Nature” (Arslanbob village, Bazar-Korgon district, Kyrgyzstan, 26/06/2018)
- ECO Lecture on Integrated Land Use Management Approaches (ILUMA)
- KTRK Video Reportage “Future of the Forest Ecology” (Kyrgyzstan, 26/06/2018)
- TV-program for children (3)
- KTRK Video Reportage about “The Environment and Me” Socio-Educational Exhibition (05/15/2018, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan)
- TV-program for children (2)
- (Русский) Deutsche Welle о биоразнообразии и ореховых лесах на юге Кыргызстана
- TV - program about ecology for children (#1)
- TV-program about ecology for children (#4)
- TV-program about ecology for children (#3)
- TV-program about ecology for children (#2)
- TV-program about ecology for children (#1)
- Climate Change impacts in Tajikistan: Promotion of external and internal environmental policies
- Video "Conservation and restoration of forests of Kyrgyzstan" (Kyrgyz, 04/2018)
- Video "Low-productive land of Kyrgyzstan: current status and best practices of land development" (Russian, 16/07/2018)
- (Русский) Восьмая конференция министров «Окружающая среда для Европы» (Грузия,2016 г.)
Success Histories
- (Русский) Управляя лесами, укрепляй свое благополучие
- Leading with better information and awareness: the story of Umeda Yusufi
- 12 November 2019 A press lunch on the conservation and restoration of forests in Kyrgyzstan was held as part of Green Week in Bishkek
- Конкурс рисунков в Туркменистане 2018
- Конкурс эссе в Кыргызстане 2019
- Конкурс рисунков в Кыргызстане 2019
- Contests
Project partners
- Development of policy recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks in the land use sector as a contribution to the preparation of the NDC of Kyrgyzstan (SFF)
- Analysis of the impacts of climate change in Tajikistan (SFF)
- "Pilot-based Afforestation and Reforestation of Degraded Forest Areas in the Border Area between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan" (SFF)
- Community-based management of walnut forests and pastures: Kyrgyzstan
- Ecosystem - based land use and conservation: Uzbekistan
- Ecosystem based Land Use and Ecosystems conservation along the lower reaches of Amu Darya:Turkmenistan
- Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: Tajikistan
- Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: Kyrgyzstan
- Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: Kazakhstan
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services: Tajikistan
- Enhancing biodiversity and preserving ecosystem-services in agrarian landscapes in Tajikistan
- Sustainable Management of Wildlife in Tajikistan
- Sustainable pasture management for improving grassland ecosystems and livelihoods of pastoralists in Tajikistan
- Integrative forest management to increase forest cover in Tajikistan
- Introduction to Land Use use experiences
- Policy brief
- Conceptual framework for the Integrative Land Use Management Approaches
- Управление лесами(Узбекистан)
- Управление лесами(Туркменистан)
- Управление лесами(Таджикистан)
- Управление лесами(Казахстан)
- Управление лесами(Кыргызстан)