Since 2009, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation) Program has been supporting knowledge exchange on sustainable land management both between different sectors and at different levels, including local, national and regional.
The GIZ Regional Program in Kazakhstan, in cooperation with international organizations – UNDP and World Bank projects conducted training activities on development of private afforestation. In addition to that, during workshops and field trips at the national level, the Program presented and discussed the results of piloting, received recommendations from stakeholders and agreed on joint actions.
The Program plans to continue working on raising awareness and involving representatives of state, scientific, private organizations and NGOs in developing a system of state support for afforestation and engaging private forest users.
The Program also provides consultations and support in the development of effective coordination and organizational development mechanisms for the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) in Central Asia, including strengthening the capacity of the ICSD Science and Information Center in Kazakhstan. K-Link and K-DMS knowledge management mechanisms are being introduced as document and information management tools for ICSD bodies and structural units.