23 people enhanced capacities on sustainable pistachio forest management and pistachio production growth in the Republic of Tajikistan.
The 1st day of the workshop covered the theoretical, historical and conceptual aspects of pistachio forest management in Tajikistan. The participants learned the basics of pistachio forest management and silvicultural practices.In addition, the Forest Agency presented the Forest Development Programme for 2022-2026, which was approved by the Government this year.
On the 2nd day of the training, the participants had the opportunity to travel to Khuroson Forest enterprise and did practical works on the silvicultural methods of pistachio forest management in the arid zones. They enhanced their practical experience on pruning, thinning, as well as preparation of rootstocks for grafting and budding, using, different related tools and instruments.
The participants highlighted the importance of conducting of the training, especially in the face of climate change, that provided some prescriptions on proper land use, that can enhance the adaptability to climate change, while providing expected ecosystem goods and services.